jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

Razorlight - Golden Touch

Yotubeando salió esto...y me gustó.

El caso es que después anduve escuchando otros temas de la banda y no me acabaron de enganchar como este tema ...realmente fue un toque de oro...un toque mágico en forma de canción que me cautivo. Me gusto el toque de guitarra sotenido, me gusto el ritmillo del estribillo, y me gustó mucho el colorido y enfoque del videoclip. Son una banda británica de rock Indie que nació en el 2004. Esto pertenece a su primer album Up All Night, que por lo visot fue dos veces platino...será cuestión de darles otra vuelta a los discos...

Ya me direis que os parecen

"I know a girl with the golden touch
She's got enough, she's got too much
But I know, you wouldn't mind
You could have it all if you wanted
You could have it all if it mattered so much

But then all they know is how to put you down
When you're there, their your friend
But then when you're not around
They say, 'Oh, she's changed'
You know what they mean
Well they mean, they're just jealous
Because they never do the things
They wish that they could do so well

The kind of girl, yeah she's never alone
You leave a thousand messages on her phone
But you know you never get through
You could have it all if you want it yeah
You could have it all if it matters to you

But then all they know is how to put you down
When you're there, their your friend,
Oh then when you're not around
They say, 'Ah, she's changed'
Oh you know what that means
Well it means they're just jealous
But they'll never do the things
That they wish that they could do so well

I saw my girl with the golden touch
Give them a taste but not too much
I just can't listen to the words of fools
But don't give away too much
Someone will need your golden touch

Because all they know is how to put you down
When you're there, their your friend,
But then when you're not around
They say, 'Oh, she's changed'
Oh you know what that means
Well it means they're just jealous
But they'll never do the things
They wish that they could do so well
They'll never do the things
They wish that they could do so well
They'll never do the things
They wish that they could do so well
They'll never do the things
They wish that they could do so well"

4 comentarios:

V de Tierra dijo...

A mi también me gusta, y el video con esos colores no esta mal. Aunque me va a dar flojera averiguar más sobre la banda, mejor espero que por aqui me recomiendes algo..es que hoy me toco a mi la pereza!! :)A+

SERGI dijo...

No están nada mal, ahora necesito una agenda de unas 8544841551351553445454564 páginas para poder apuntarme todos los grupos que descubro gracias a vosotros, lo de gracias no sé si decirlo me va a dar un síncope con tanta información jejeje

interpreta-sones dijo...

tienen alguna mediobaladilla interesante, además. buen grupo.

Evánder dijo...

A mí me gusta su canción "America"
